About Us

Training and Extension for Conversation Agriculture in Savannahs (TECAS) is a social enterprise with the mission to promote the adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) in North-West Ghana, as a strategy to reverse the trend of declining soil fertility and to build resilience against climate change.

CA is comprised of multiple management practices and technologies that have the capability to conserve healthy soils, restore nutrient depleted land for arable use and increase productivity of food and crops in difficult climates. 

TECAS partners with diverse stakeholders including farmers, international NGOs, industry and government agencies. These partnerships build a network of local farmers and expand TECAS's reach to replicate its model globally.

We have expanded to four locations in several regions around Ghana. Scroll down to see map of these locations.



To promote CA systems through the provision of private extension service delivery and CA mechanisation services to increase the profitability of farming and improve the resilience of the agro-ecosystem


To introduce and sustain, a profitable farm business models among farmers who are knowledgeable in and incorporate CA practices that support sustainable husbandry of farmland and optimal cropping. TECAS to become a leading CA institution and a cover crop hub in Northern Ghana.


Integrity, team work, diversity and inclusion.


TECAS operates in all the 11 districts of the Upper West region of Ghana. TECAS will concentrate its efforts in the next 5 years in theses operational area and consider up-scaling when set targets are met at the end of the period.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


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