Our Services

TECAS is a social enterprise set up to mitigate the adverse effect of climate change on agriculture, land degradation and the lack of mechanised Conservation Agriculture services in the North-West Ghana. to address these issues, we offer the following services:

Complementary Services

We offer the following complementary services to our customer base.
  • Product Development
  • In order to define every practice and system of Conservation Agriculture, and to achieve tailor-made products for upscaling, this division was set up. Presently we have fifteen acre area at Babile Agriculture Research Station where all these trials are conducted. Make time with us in August/September at our open field days.

  • Farmer Mobilization
  • To facilitate Conservation Agriculture tractor service delivery for us and our partners, our field staff collects basic information of our clients including field measurement. This data is presented with routing maps to our clients (tractor service providers) for faster and cost effective services.

  • Conservation Agriculture Promotion
  • This service is designed to market the three (3) principles of Conservation Agriculture and their associating benefits to the soil, environment and the farmer. Strategies used includes the establishment of communnity Conservation Agriculture demonstrations, farmer field days, farmer meetings, sensitization and Conservation Agriculture video shows.

Do You Have Questions? Call Us Now!

+233 (0) 24 207 1887 or +233 (0) 55 664 7782


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